Hosted Telephony for SMEs

As an SME, we understand what it’s like to be an entrepreneur and all the challenges that come with the territory. What you need is a robust and cost-effective voice and digital communication solution to continue to provide your customers with high-quality service.

With our hosted telephony for SMEs, ComUnik offers all the features you need to serve your customers well and to facilitate collaboration with colleagues, regardless of your workplace.


Hosted Telephony for SMEs

En tant que PME nous comprenons la réalité des entrepreneurs et leurs défis. Pour bien servir sa clientèle, une solution de communications vocales et numériques fiable, robuste et rentable. ComUnik offre toutes les fonctionnalités requises pour bien servir ses clients et permettre une collaboration avec les collègues en plus de permettre de travailler de n’importe où grâce à notre téléphonie hébergée pour les PME.

Our main goals are to…

  • Provide you with a secure and efficient hosted communications solution

  • Offer you an efficient communication tool for remote working

  • Help you enjoy all the advanced features at an affordable price

Hosted Telephony Features for SMEs

Call Queues

Call Log

Call Recording

The Follow Me™ Feature

Call Statistics

Report Planning

Automate the process of sending your customized call reports based on your desired frequency. You can configure the content based on whatever type of report you want and select the desired statistics. It couldn’t be easier!

Our Partners

Microsoft Teams
Outil de gestion des communications
Outil de gestion des communications

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